Monday, March 3, 2014

Sunye Reacts to Netizens’ Criticizing Her for Supposed Advertising

Sunye Reacts to Netizens’ Criticizing Her for Supposed Advertising

Sunye Reacts to Netizens’ Criticizing Her for Supposed Advertising

Sunye recently had to explain that her latest tweets were not a form of advertisement.

On February 26, Sunye tweeted a photo collage that contained an image of a certain cafe. The collage showed photos of Sunye, along with Ladies Code, posing in front of the cafe and enjoying the desserts.

Netizens took this to mean that Sunye was advertising this certain cafe and its products, which caused a lot of talk. Some netizens criticized Sunye, calling her “nothing but a power blogger.”

Therefore, Sunye had to clear things up and on March 2, she tweeted, “Although my name isn’t that powerful, I wanted to help out someone so don’t mistake that as advertising. Even the title of a ‘power blogger’ seems like it’s too good for me.”

But even after Sunye’s tweet, some netizens continued to comment “If that’s not advertising, then what is it?” However, others commented, “Maybe she didn’t mean to advertise,” “So what if she advertises?” and more.

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Source : soompi[dot]com

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